Master of Architecture
Bachelor of Environmental Design
Registered Architect WA
Chris demonstrates a passion and creativity for architectural design, offering his insight and expertise on numerous significant projects in Perth and regional Western Australia. Since joining Silver Thomas Hanley in 2013, Chris has been involved in a diverse portfolio of projects, ranging from health care and aged care, through to education and laboratory projects.
His recent involvement and design input contributed to the successful outcome of the following projects; Geraldton Health Campus Redevelopment, the ECU Joondalup New Sciences Laboratory, Curtin University's Grain Research Laboratory, and Warren Health Service. Chris has been heavily involved in the design of the St John of God Subiaco Hospital Redevelopment, working with the project team to achieve desirable outcomes focused on the needs of the end-users.
Chris enhances the design team by proposing creative and innovative design solutions, integrated with health planning and operational requirements. His versatility and excellent communication skills allow him to work in a highly collaborative manner, delivering client-focused solutions and the best possible design outcomes for complex problems.
Key Projects: