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CONSTRUCTION UPDATE // Lyell McEwin ED Expansion

We are proud to be working alongside Cheesman Architects on the redevelopment of the Lyell McEwin ED.

When complete, the three-level ED will include 72 treatment spaces, additional resuscitation and triage capabilities as well as a dedicated paediatric assessment and treatment space. A new eight-bed MHSS will provide a purpose-built facility with a more suitable care environment for mental health patients requiring short stay.

“Mental health is a key priority for the Marshall Government. The new eight-bed Mental Health Short Stay Unit will provide a purpose-built facility for mental health patients requiring short stay assessment after presenting to the ED, ensuring that these patients will receive the care they need in an appropriate, modern facility,” - Minister for Health and Wellbeing, Stephen Wade.

Thanks to Hansen Yuncken for sharing drone footage of construction progress, with expected completion of ED and MHSS by March 2022 and new wards December 2022.


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